Introduction to the Study of Hispanic Cultures

HISP-S324 - Prof. Dove — spring 2024

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Patrick Dove
BH 140
Days and Times
TR 9:45A-11:00A
Course Description

Prerequisite: S280 or S310 or equivalent.

This course offers an overview of the cultural histories of Spain and Spanish America from early medieval and precolonial times to the contemporary world, focusing on key moments of encounter and conflict as well as societal transformation. We will study historical periods and their cultural manifestations: Muslim, Jewish, and Christian Spain in the Middle Ages; the Spanish empire and the conquest and colonization of America; nationalism and nation formation in the 19th century; revolutions, wars, democracy, dictatorship, globalization and migration in the 20th century and contemporary world.

Using print and visual culture as our guides, we will study continuities and discontinuities between past and present, while also looking at how the past affects the present and the present recreates the past. Special attention will be given to visual culture, including painting, engraving, photography, and film. We will also explore critical categories such as gender, race, ethnicity, and class, as well as concepts relevant to Latin American and Spanish histories such as imperialism and colonialism, nationalism, mestizaje, and indigenismo. The combination of learning about diversity within the Hispanic world while developing critical and analytical skills will help improve your cultural competence and prepare you for 400-level courses in Spanish.

HISP-S 324     #4614        9:45A-11:00A      TR       BH 140       Prof. Patrick Dove

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